Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Once, always.

I remember this, like it was the first time I heard it, cheating. Have you been cheated on? How does it feel? Horrible right? Why would you get cheated on? You were good to them, gave them your all , and they still decieved your trust, love, lust, and everything else. Then they ask for a second chance, and you have two choices. Let them prove it to you or let it all go for good. So you have so many emotions running through your head, memories, your mind is saying " Let it go, you'll get hurt again, you cant trust this guy/girl anymore" but your heart says "Give them the chance...always believe they can change" so you go with your heart. And you know what happens? It happens again, only worse. They say sorry, and you're hurt again... Memories coming back? I know how you feel, and yes, I have been cheated on.  But I'm here, to tell you what I did. So there was once this boy, he was an okay person, I liked his personality, it matched with mine. So to make it short, he cheated. and he wanted a second chance, but I left. It doesnt matter how much you like that person, what matters it what you think. Do YOU want to be treated with respect and love, or like a dog? I rather be treated better and find someone better. So I left. I know sometimes you cant help but love the person, but if they loved you back, would they have cheated in the first place? Think about that.

“Cheating and lying aren't struggles, they're reasons to break up.”
Patti Callahan Henry, Between The Tides

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

+ = -


That's how I feel when I'm around you.
Our feelings for each other is there, we're too afraid to express it
Everyone knows, so why wait?
Time is everything, patient is the key
So why not just be together?

I rather be with you than someone else
I rather work things out with you
I can't wait forever for you
I will get tired one day
And it'll be too late
The chemistry will always be there

But I won't....
Glendyz Salazar :)

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